此外,保養品製造廠取得國際雙認證:GMP標準優良製造場域 及 符合歐盟化妝品GMP製造規範的「ISO 22716」。
ISO 22716:2007 國際化妝品優良製造規範指引,等同於至少獲全球122個國家(包含美洲、歐盟及亞洲等國家)認可。此指引規範了國際間之化妝品在生產、儲存和運送等各方面的技術及品質安全、最高要求的控制。
獲美國個人護理產品委員會(PCPC)核可認證INCI name 國際化粧保養品成分名稱,為全台第一家取得間質幹細胞分泌之外泌體(Exosome)認證。
- Pig Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes (Mono ID: 38293)
- Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes (Mono ID: 35046)
◆ 第I849962號專利證書:包含外泌體及生物巨分子之組合物用於製備治療、預防或減緩關節炎藥物之用途
Patent Certificate No. I849962: A Composition Comprising Exosomes and Biomacromolecules for the Development of Therapeutic, Preventive, or Palliative Treatments for Arthritis.
◆ 第I720030號專利證書:經免疫反應路徑中的細胞激素或生長因子刺激之多胜肽組成物的製備方法
Patent Certificate No. I720030: Method for preparing a peptide composition stimulated by cytokines or growth factors in the immune response pathway.
◆ 第I720031號專利證書:具免疫調節功能之多胜肽組成物的製備方法
Patent Certificate No. I720031: Method for preparing a peptide composition with immunomodulatory function.
◆ 第I693942號專利證書:具免疫調節功能之多胜肽組成物
Patent Certificate No. I693942: Peptide composition with immunomodulatory function.
◆ 第I696466號專利證書:多胜肽組成物用於製備抗發炎的醫藥品的用途
Patent Certificate No. I696466: Application of peptide composition for preparing anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals.
◆ 第I493035號專利證書:人類臍帶間質幹細胞體外培養方法、促進細胞生長與傷口癒合之相關組成物之製造方法及其應用
Patent Certificate No. I493035: Method for the in vitro cultivation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, manufacturing method of related compositions to promote cell growth and wound healing, and their applications.
◆ 第I670071號專利證書-促進毛髮增長或促進毛髮細胞生長的組合物及其用途
Patent Certificate No. I670071: Composition for promoting hair growth or promoting the growth of hair cells and its applications.
◆ 第I841414號專利證書:包含外泌體及生物巨分子之組合物、包含其的醫藥組成物及其用途
Patent No. I841414: Composition Comprising Exosomes and Biomacromolecules, Pharmaceutical Composition Containing the Same, and Their Applications
◆ 瑞士專利證書:CH710157
Swiss Patent Certificate: CH710157
◆ 瑞士專利證書:CH710255
Swiss Patent Certificate: CH710255
◆ 日本專利證書JP6188249
Japanese Patent Certificate: JP6188249
◆ QPS為財團法人生技中心,獨立成立之頂級醫藥生化實驗室的檢驗
QPS is an examination of the independent top-level pharmaceutical biochemistry laboratory established by the Foundation for Biomedical Research Center.